how to budget

Budgeting for Maternity Leave

Budgeting for Maternity Leave

Financially, there may never truly be a “right time” to start planning a family, but you should not let that put you off.  In the run up to maternity leave, and during it, there are plenty of things that you can do so that once your income drops you are able to take the time off […]

Learning How to Budget Effectively

Learning How to Budget Effectively

We all experience times when we get into debt – or, at least, more debt than we are comfortable with. It could have been an emergency situation like needing to pay for repairs to our home or needing to buy a new car to get us to work. But often enough it can be put down to bad spending habits – it is so easy to be tempted into spending more than we can reasonably afford, especially when we have some spare capacity on a credit card. But then the reality of having to pay off that debt hits hard and what we have to show for it is probably very little in the greater scheme of things.

Budgeting effectively requires steely determination, avoiding the shops and avoiding online shopping, especially late at night when we can make irrational decisions. It means only buying what you really need not all those extras that are not essential.