Reduce Average Energy Bills

Reduce Average Energy Bills

7 tips to reduce average energy bills With the cost of energy soaring, more people than ever are trying to reduce their energy bills. Average energy bills for UK households are around £526.23 per year or £43.86 per month on electricity and £602 per year or £50.17 per month on gas. This is bound to […]

Money Management for your First Year at Uni

Money Management for your First Year at Uni

For most students, living away from home for the first time and getting used to a tight budget can be tricky. You need to ensure that you cover all the important things. Therefore, learning to budget and even save money is essential.  It can really add up when you think about it, food, books, accommodation […]

Personal financial advice for students

Personal financial advice for students

Personal finance as a term wasn’t brought up or even talked about amongst friends while I attended college 2 years ago. In fact, I only remember it vaguely discussed by professors. Many people in college have the responsibility to create their own income, to remain in college. Study full time, work part time, social life-no time. That time spent earning their way, whether it was for school or to have money to go out with friends, it was a meaningless burden to me. People like this understood personal finance better than I did after 4 ½ years majoring in Accounting and Finance.

Best Ways to Save Money as a Student

Best Ways to Save Money as a Student

Money at university is a very fragile thing. You need to keep an eye on every last penny and absolutely every penny counts. Keeping an eye on your student loan is a very good way to keep your costs down, so we’ve compiled a list of some of the best money saving tips for when […]

Breaking Bad Money Habits

Breaking Bad Money Habits

A new year has rolled around and you may be hoping to start afresh with resolutions for a new you. Make this year the year you resolve to break those bad habits which you may not even realise you had, that are stopping you from managing your money properly.  Invisible Spending What do we mean […]

When should you begin to think about pensions?

When should you begin to think about pensions?

If you have started your first full time job, then you should really start to think about paying into a pension. It is never too soon to start putting even a little bit of money away towards your retirement; and whilst that really might seem like such a long way off when you are still […]

Using Cryptocurrency As Collateral For A Loan

Using Cryptocurrency As Collateral For A Loan

There is no denying that the cryptocurrency market has exploded in recent times. Because of this, we are seeing more and more products come to the fore involving Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. If you are looking for a loan, whether to purchase a property or for some other reason, you could potentially use cryptocurrency as […]

Securing Finance For An Unusual Property

Securing Finance For An Unusual Property

Updated 27 February 2023 Want to listen instead of read? Here are a couple of interesting podcasts about property finance: Borrowing money for property can be challenging at the best of times. However, if your property is unusual in any shape or form, this can make it even more complicated. If you encounter an unexpected […]

Prioritise your debt – what to pay off first?

Prioritise your debt – what to pay off first?

Debt can be terrifying, crippling even. If you are juggling multiple different debts then it can be hard to know where to start. The best thing that you can do is tackle your debts. You can get them on track so that you can be debt free as soon as possible. The big question is: how […]

Is It Time To Ditch The Cash ISA?

Is It Time To Ditch The Cash ISA?

A cash ISA is simply a savings account that you don’t pay tax on. You can put £20,000 each tax year into a cash ISA, and it remains tax-free year on year. Cash ISA savings do not count towards the PSA (personal savings allowance). Yet, for many, such benefits are no longer relevant. This is […]

Subscription services – which to keep, which to cancel

Subscription services – which to keep, which to cancel

The cost of living in the UK has increased by huge amounts. According to the Office for National Statistics, in April 2022, 87 per cent of adults reported an increase in the cost of living. You only need to turn on the news to hear about the cost of council tax increases, the energy bill crisis, and […]

Cutting The Costs Of Higher Energy Bills

Cutting The Costs Of Higher Energy Bills

You can’t help but notice that the cost of energy bills is rising. The energy price cap will increase a staggering 54% from April and may rise further in October. We will face higher bills, at least for the foreseeable future. With energy companies hiking daily charges by vast sums which cant be avoided, it […]

Subscription Shopping: The Good and The Bad

Subscription Shopping: The Good and The Bad

Subscription shopping has actually been around for a decade or so now. However, it is spreading its tentacles across an ever wider product range. Certain products may well lend themselves to the concept of subscription shopping. We’re thinking here of things like pet food and cosmetics, things which, once you’ve decided to stick with a […]

How to conduct a January personal finance audit

How to conduct a January personal finance audit

Finances change on a fairly regular basis, whether you get a raise in your current job or start a new one, the prices on your utility bills can go up, and of course they will fluctuate with the seasons. Taking the time to conduct a personal finance audit can be a good way of keeping all of […]

Frugal Money Management Tips

These economical household money management tips I am about to share with you will help you keep more money in your wallet. When it involves family money management, these are straightforward approaches that my family uses. In fact, speaking from experience, if you begin to put these money saving tips to use, you’ll be pleasantly […]

Should You Go Through a Broker for your Mortgage?

Should You Go Through a Broker for your Mortgage?

Updated 27 February 2023 Taking out a mortgage is a huge decision and it is worth taking time to do your research in order to get the best deal as the mortgage market can be a very complex minefield to wade through with many different types of deals on offer. What is a mortgage broker? […]

Annuities Explained

Annuities Explained

Whether you’ve been offered an annuity or you’ve heard the word mentioned and would like to know more about whether one would be right for you, this basic explanation may help you decide. What is an annuity?  An annuity is a written agreement between you and an insurance provider that allows you to accumulate funds […]