Anyone applying for a mortgage, loan, mobile phone contract or any form of store credit will be aware of the importance of having a good credit score. Your credit score determines whether your application is successful or not. The higher your credit score is, the better chance you have of being able to access the […]
credit score
4 Ways to improve your credit score
When it comes to deciding how likely you are to repay a loan on time, or even whether they should grant you a loan, lenders look at your credit score. This a three-digit number that can help them assess the risks of lending to you. The higher your score, the more likely they are to […]
4 Tricks to Improve Your Credit Score
Your credit score is one of the most vital pieces of information that companies can hold about you. It is used to determine all manner of things – from whether you can get a mobile phone contract to buying a house. Which means that having the best score that you possibly can is important. Thankfully […]
Little known mistakes that cause bad credit scores
Of course I have written much about people with bad credit scores – how they can obtain loans and the ideal loans for them. I always provide a lot of money saving tips and steps that could assist people with bad credit scores in obtaining loans. It is true that people with bad credit scores […]